<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5e6ec6d5-6be9-4c64-b596-4fdfb32a90ec/Leaf.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5e6ec6d5-6be9-4c64-b596-4fdfb32a90ec/Leaf.png" width="40px" /> Once we measured, it is time to work on reducing our carbon footprint. In 2021 and 2022, we have worked to improve both how and what we measure in terms of environmental impact. Along with it, we started implementing some actions to gradually reduce the intensity of our carbon emissions. Here is a bit of how we have tackled it.


What do we do?

Commit and Collaborate

Besides doing and publishing our carbon footprint :

  1. We have joined the worldwide movement of B Corp Climate Collective
  2. Locally we were one of the pioneer startups to join the Climate act in France.

Both of these movements encourage businesses to measure, report, and reduce their carbon emissions. They also provide a sharing platform for businesses of different stages to navigate the path of reaching their reduction targets.

Environmental System Tracker

To handle the emissions that are closer from our scope of action and the use of natural resources we have set an Environmental Tracker. There, we monitor our Electricity, Heating consumption as well as our recycling rate.

Recently, we also added a mapping of flights and performed a commute study to have a more accurate measure of our transportation impact.

Suppliers Screening & Code of Conduct

We implemented a Suppliers Code of conduct that encourages suppliers to measure their carbon footprint and prioritise the use of renewable energy on their operations. Besides complying with Labor and Human Rights principals.

We developed an internal Screening Process to our most significant suppliers, where we gather and analyse open data on various compliance and ESG practices. They are then graded based on an internal score which allows us to follow-up how our value chain is evolving in terms of sustainable engagements.

By doing this, we hope to start a discussion both internally as we build our purchasing practices and externally to support our partners in sharing ideas on how to reduce our carbon footprints all together. The more our suppliers engage, the better will be our own carbon footprint with less generalist approximations on the indirect emissions.

Climate Strategy

With the support of the Tremplin subvention promoted by ADEME, we started developing our own Climate Strategy based on the ACT step by step  methodology.