The execution growth track emphasises the development of skills and expertise in technical leadership that fosters delivery of high-quality results. It focuses on the ability of each maker or manager to continuously improve our work and deliver high-quality outcomes using various techniques and tools.

There are four specialisations within this growth track - delivery, communication, quality and optimisations.


Able to evaluate, plan and deliver wide variety of initiatives that meet defined goals, timelines and budget.


Masters the art of using tailored messages to communicate effectively with the target audience. Listens (to feedback) and follows-up.


Masters quality best practices and tools. Embodies and promotes practices to ensure building excellent quality products and services.


Challenges the status quo and effects positive organisational, process and technology change outside of mandated work.

Milestone 1

Understands and effectively delivers individual tasks while following the team’s best practices.

Conveys information within the team when called upon, and incorporates constructive feedback.

Delivers consistently good quality work in accordance with Luko's quality approach and standards.

Identifies and articulates opportunities for organisational and product improvements.

Examples of demonstrated behavior

Provides accurate estimations for simple tasks.

Delivers small well-scoped projects efficiently.

Writes comprehensive technical documentation.

Communicates status clearly using the appropriate tools and channels.

Seeks and applies feedback effectively.

Asks for help at the appropriate juncture.

Test their code thoroughly according to the team and Luko's quality practices.

Writes automated tests for change or defect they deliver.

Writes clear comments and documentation.

Asks probing questions triggering conversations for optimisations.

Raises valid points during team retrospectives triggering positive change.

Suggests an improvement positively affecting team SLO/metric.

Milestone 2

Understands, plans and effectively delivers small projects while following the team’s best practices.

Conveys information in a concise way across teams and functions, focusing on good quality conversations.

Increases the robustness and reliability of codebases, and devotes time to improving the quality of Luko's products.

Implements small changes to positively impact a small feature or an individual.

Examples of demonstrated behavior

Investigates and writes FLSs. Implements the actions.

Delivers moderately complex features on time.

Balances pragmatism and perfectionism appropriately.

Uses the right channels for communication to make sure everyone is aligned.

Makes sure project stakeholders are aware of progress and bottlenecks.

Practices active listening and suspension of attention.

Tests other people code, covers edge cases and catches non-trivial issues.

Continuously refactors existing code and makes it more readable and testable.

Suggests new practices and improvements in existing ones to improve release quality.

Proactively picks up defects from the backlog or actions from the postmortems.

Proactively suggests and makes design quality improvement.

Identifies ways to improve application performance and stability.

Milestone 3

Organises a small team or initiative (2-4 engineers) to effectively plan, estimate and deliver projects while following Luko's best practices.

Proactively shares information, actively seeks feedback, and facilitates communication for multiple stakeholders

Delivers outstanding quality work and supports others in improving their work and the quality of team deliverables.

Implements change to positively impact an entire team or instigates a minor feature or service.

Examples of demonstrated behavior

Understands business needs and plans projects accordingly.

Facilitates team rituals to deliver to the expectations.

Delegates and ensures that everyone follows team agreements and team’s best practices.

Regularly presents at tech talks, roadmaps, weekly demos, or team lunch meetings.

Resolves communication issues between teams, peers and stakeholders.

Manages stakeholders and leadership expectations effectively and avoids surprises.

Regularly provides constructive feedback helping others improve the quality of their work.

Introduces new tools to improve the release quality.

Identifies quality risks while implementing new features and identifies the critical paths to be tested.

Takes ownership of systems that nobody owns or wants to own.

Demonstrates concepts practices helping the teams proactively with prototypes.

Suggests a feature or component that helps optimizing the product business performance.

Milestone 4

Leads a large team / initiative (7-10 engineers) or a couple of small teams / initiatives to effectively plan, estimate and deliver complex projects with senior stakeholders.

Communicates complex ideas skilfully and with nuance, and establishes alignment within a tribe/chapter.

Ambassador of great quality deliverables, robust and reliable code. Implements processes and systems that improve quality.

Drives and implements changes that have a substantial positive impact on a chapter/tribe or major product impact.

Examples of demonstrated behavior

Effectively manages cross- team and cross-project dependencies.

Involves other functions appropriately to ensure clarification, alignment and delivery on time.

Delivers complex loosely scoped projects on time by prioritisation and stakeholders management.

Milestone 5