<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/567096ba-28a6-41c1-a907-21458643f3e3/Homecare.svg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/567096ba-28a6-41c1-a907-21458643f3e3/Homecare.svg" width="40px" /> We acknowledge that working on a scale-up entails a strong commitment to reach ambitious goals, which can at times come at the expense of work-life balance. This is a major concern for Luko, and we have put great efforts to navigate this pain shared among fast growing businesses.


What do we do?

No border Policy, flexibility & remote working: D&I

Unlimited days off

Mental Health

Family care

CSE - Employee Collective Representation

Off-sites & Celebrations

What are the results so far?

This is how Lukooms benefited from those policies.png

Luko’day: Impact Journey

In February 2021, all the team came together (on-line) for the first time to talk about Luko’s Impact. We worked collaboratively to understand how we could scale our environmental and social engagements through the business and our operations. Setting the milestones of much that we have presented in this report. Know more about its organisation in this article.


Rotative team Offsites:

During the months of May & December our teams got to share a home for 3 days, spending quality time in a different context. We rented a house nearby Paris where teams would work, cook, hike and mostly bond with each other.

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