When people think about your core technical domain they think of you. You are recognised for your exceptional awesomeness for more than one technical domains.

You are a thought leader and able to deliver complex company-wide technical initiatives by leading people in the process of decision-making, design, implementation and delivery. When we look for examples of a high-quality delivery with a massive impact on Luko's business and technology, we think of you.

There is no higher level of awesomeness at Luko and you are a proud and responsible owner of this recognition. You endlessly help everyone to achieve their objectives and you are an example of our principles and virtues.

We still have some recommendations of areas that will help you continue your growth as an engineer and help you meet the expectatiosn for a Distinguished Engineer.

As you are a senior professional, we expect you to pro-actively self-reflect and identify the specialisations which will help you to achieve your full potential. Your professional growth manager (line manager) can be a great sparring partner for you when making your decision and development plan.

Every Distinguished Engineer has what it takes to be a Principal Engineer.

Recommended specialisations for this level


5 Main specialisation 4+ 2nd specialisation 2+ 3nd specialisation 2+ Operations


3+ Delivery 4+ Communication 4+ Quality 4+ Optimisation


2+ Organisational Development 2+ People Minded 2+ Accomplishment 1+ Growing Together


4+ Community 3+ Recruitment 3+ Mentorship 4+ Evangelism