You are an established software engineer. You are known at Luko and outside to know your stuff. You lead technical cross-team initiatives within the entire chapter. You work effectively across teams and engage other functions (PM, marketing, BizDev, QA) with clear messages. You are able to influence decisions and defend your proposals with arguments developed with your deep understanding of the matter.

This is the moment when you are able to give more to the organisation by supporting others. You are a mentor to other engineers and a source of knowledge in your domain for all stakeholders. You are an active interviewer and helping us bring great talent to Luko and develop a great engineering brand.

We still have some recommendations of areas that will help you continue your growth as an engineer and help you meet the expectatiosn for a Staff Engineer.

As you are a senior professional, we expect you to pro-actively self-reflect and identify the specialisations which will help you to achieve your full potential. Your professional growth manager (line manager) can be a great sparring partner for you when making your decision and development plan.

Every Staff Engineer has what it takes to be a Senior Engineer.

Recommended specialisations for this level


4+ Main specialisation 2+ 2nd specialisation 2+ Operations


2+ Delivery 3+ Communication 3+ Quality 2+ Optimisation


2+ Organisation Development 1+ People Minded 2+ Accomplishment 1+ Growing Together


2+ Community 1+ Recruitment 2+ Mentorship 1+ Evangelism

Principal Engineer