You have been making solid progress in your career as an engineer and now you feel comfortable during conversations with senior peers. You feel confident in working on your tasks and are able to ship small features to production independently. You easily follow the best practices and frameworks established in your team, tribe and chapter. You ensure the quality of your work and you are aware of its impact on business and customers. You are able to prioritise your work or discuss prioritisation with senior peers and PM.

You have a little more clear idea on the direction you want to take in engineering. You express your ideas with confidence and are able to challenge others' ideas constructively. You are able to provide, receive and act on feedback. You feel comfortable doing code reviews and helping engineers that have just started their learning journey.

At this stage the specialisations that we expect you to develop and will help you to meet the expectations for this level are listed below. They will help you accelerate your further growth.

Every Engineer II has what it takes to be an Engineer I.

Expected specialisations for this level





Senior Engineer