
LukoGrowth Framework consists of four growth tracks that are meant to help you grow in the context of the rapid growth of Luko and in accordance with your professional interests. Each track consists of four to ntext of the rapid growth oeight specialisations allowing each and every Lukoom (in engineering) to develop different skills following their inspirations and job context. Each specialisation has five levels of awesomeness one can achieve. Those are the milestones. They relate to what we expect, what we strive for and what we believe in. Once various milestones are achieved and the requirements for a progression level [link] are met, you can expect to be promoted to the next level on the ladder.

It is important to remember that it is expected to consistently demonstrate the skills, expertise and behaviours required for each specialisation milestone. Hence, if a particular specialisation milestone has been degraded in the past six-months evaluation period this is a clear signal that you are performing below the expectations in regards to that specific specialisation. This is possible to happen due to various reasons and in the next six-months period we expect you to step up your game with this specialisation or to compensate with the development of another specialisation should your role and job context at Luko have changed.

Note that the growth tracks allow everyone to develop skills in different areas despite their current career track. Either maker or manager, everyone is able to strengthen their skills and expertise in a technical, operational, organisational or leadership topics. This model enables the development X-shaped profile [link]. The future professional should be able to learn and apply what is learnt fast. It also enables either track, maker or manager, to develop the skills to be able to act across different areas in the company. The more senior a person becomes in the ladder the more soft and hard skills they acquire allowing them to be effective at various roles as thought leaders or organisational managers. Eventually, with this model in place, your career development all depends on your choices and we are here to help you make the best choice for your future growth. "The best choice" is a bold statement and it is important to realise that what your best choice is today, might very much be a different choice in a few years when you have a lot more experience and knowledge. That is perfectly fine and the beauty of enabling one's professional growth at Luko. The only expectation and guidance we have is that when you advance in your career your profile will be gradually moving towards a more diverse set of skills profile. This is a unique feature of the model that we truly believe in. All people are different and smart. Talented people often would like to grow in many different and complimentary areas and at some point take on different roles. So, let’s do that together!

Engineering Growth Track

Execution Growth Track

Supporting Growth Track

Strengthening Growth Track