
Progression Levels

The career ladder above consists of progression levels and each of them is outlined in this set of documents at the end of this page. Each of them sets the expectations, skills and qualities of everyone assuming a function at a particular level.

There are 7 progression levels in the Lukoladder. Level 2 is for people taking an internship with Luko and we will not outline it in details as it has the basic standard requirements for an intern. The other 6 levels consist of 3 sub-levels enabling everyone to make small and tangible steps towards the next level. Such a design makes Lukoladder challenging to “climb“ but very fulfilling as even small learning steps matter. We expect that individuals with less experience (levels 3 and 4) will be moving between levels within 1.5-2 years and more senior levels will take more time to move up the ladder. Levels 7 and 8 require a diverse set of skills and assuming lots of diverse responsibilities, hence there are much harder to achieve and only a few Lukooms will reach those levels.

The Lukoladder consists of two tracks - makers and managers. A maker is an individual contributor who starts with developing their core domain skills. Later on will acquire leadership skills and assume leading roles on important initiatives. A manager is an engineer, a former individual contributor, who is growing into a professional that takes responsibility for the development of other engineers and engineering managers, the development of their organisation (team, tribe) and ensuring team's efficiency when applying processes for execution and quality.

You will notice that there is only general levels in the tracks without specifying the core domain knowledge of an individual contributor. In other words, the ladder doesn't contain levels specific to Front-End, Back-End, DevOps, and alike. This makes the ladder very flexible and allows every individual to develop multiple (technical) skills throughout their career.

How do you know if one performs and has what it takes at the level they are?

Each progression level is defined by the growth and expertise one has demonstrated in the different specialisations in Lukogrowth Framework. Therefore, at each level we expect the development of specific specialisations. When you browse the different levels you can see the milestones required for each one and can understand what is expected at that level in the ladder.

We expect everyone to gradually grow all the listed specialisations for a specific level and at some point reach 110% of them. That is the moment when you have developed enough knowledge and experience to move to the next level. That basically means that it is logical to expect that someone who has been just promoted to level X.1 will be more junior than someone that is at X.3 and has been on that level for a couple of years.

Further in this document you will be able to find the expectations for each of the progression levels in both, the makers and managers, tracks.


Engineer I

Engineer II

Senior Engineer

Staff Engineer

Principal Engineer

Distinguished Engineer
