At Luko we aim at hiring the best talent and building high-performing product engineering teams. We offer Lukoladder and Lukogrowth Framework tools to help everyone ensure continuous growth and ensure that we always hire talent that raises the bar at every function at their level.

Most importantly we expect everyone to continuously exceed expectations and focus on becoming better at what they do. Over performance is rewarded at each 6-months people review. With that said, you can consider that we would like to see you grow at the following pace:

That's all great! Where should I start?

Start with continuously finding ways of becoming better at what you do and get along in the journey as many people as you can. In other words, learn and apply fast while helping others thrive as well. In short, it is not a zero-sum game!

Build a solid growth plan

We love OKRs and we love seeing them at any level from company to individual. That said, there are three type of OKRs that you can add to your growth plan.

How do those help you grow?

Select OKRs that are challenging and involve something new that you will be learning. That could be soft skills, management skills, new technology or technical skills such as design, architecture, best practices, and alike.

Once you have done you can map those towards specialisations in the Lukogrowth Framework at aim at demonstrating the needed skills for the next milestone.

What will make a great growth plan?